Stay cool in the pool

Summer time is almost over which means one thing for me- spending as much time as possible at the pool, or beach.  When I’m lounging on a pool float (which I’m an expert at) there is nothing I would like to do less but enjoy the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water.

Thinking and planning ahead for what is to come, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and who can forget the New Year. For many snow will cover the ground and all that will remain is our memories of the past lazy days of summer. So enjoy it while you can. Get out and get in the pool and create those memories.


pool toys

Having fun in the water

Parents are always looking for new ways to entertain their children, especially when school is out. Having a swimming pool is great, but often not enough. To encourage play, adding pool toys could solve your problem.

No doubt both children and adults love to play in the water. When picking a toy, you need to consider the age of the child, ability to swim and possible fear of heights. You should pick a toy both you and your children will enjoy, based on your and your children’s preference and needs.


Picking the right toys will allow both to enjoy the water and have great fun, plus keep your family safe.
